Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sixx fans winning the fight?

It appears, after approximately 48 hours, that many Sixx fans, and even Nikki himself have been able to keep the picture of "Lies of the Beautiful People" up as their profile picture. Are there just too many of us to fight? Has facebook seen the arguments and decided that this is truly art and not obscenity?

Or are they just taking a long time in getting to us all? To those of you who have not yet joined the fight, please, post up this picture for your profile! Help us to take a stand for freedom of expression, to fight against censorship, to be strong for what's right.

Check out other links about this as well:

It is also trending at #TeamSixx on Twitter :)

Thanks everyone for your support!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


This blog is a place where we can show our support for Nikki and we can do it without the Facebook Nazis!
Lies of the Beautiful people album cover... Nikki Sixx, of Motley Crue, 58, Sixx A.M., host of Sixx Sense, among other things, is an amazing artist. The man has been through hell and back, died twice, and now is giving back. He's a lyrical genius, a rock God, an amazing photography, and best I can tell a pretty wonderful human being all around... Maybe he wasn't always, but we all have a past. We all have done things we regret, but not everyone has the courage to air those things in public and to open their eyes to new ways of thinking.

His new book is full of photographs he has taken of people that much of the world considers to be "ugly" or maybe even "scary". He has framed these pictures in settings like this one (old fashioned "freakshow" poster art) and has made them beautiful.

The point of it is to help the world look at people as human beings, as beautiful creations, no matter how different they may be from society "norms". I, for one, am standing tall with him and proud to post this pic on my page. This picture, as well as at least two others that Nikki posted like it, have been removed from facebook for being "offensive". I wish that we could fill all of facebook with these pictures, if for no other reason than to show the people in these photographs that they really are beautiful!

You should also check out the song Lies of the Beautiful People by Sixx A.M. and the video, amazing! (Sixx A.M. is one of the newest adventures of Nikki's, but the other band members are pretty amazing as well.  James Michael has the most incredible voice range I've ever heard, and DJ Ashba can play just about anything.  If you ever get a chance to see them live don't pass it up, you will be BLOWN AWAY!  I know I was...) Anyway, the video is posted below

LoTBP vid